Jan 23, 2008

Lua examples


Message('I will install a new application')
Log('Stopping current application...')
Log('Installing application...')
Log('Application installed.')
Log('Application started.')

TODO list

The following features should be included in the next releases:

  • command line version
  • custom parameters like window position and size should be saved between sessions
  • add a timestamp for every new line received in the terminal window

Lua commands

In general all .net framework functions can be used in OpenTerminal. In addition to that some specific OpenTerminal commands were added:

ATSend(string command)
Sends an AT command to the current COM port

Wait(double delay)

Waits for delay microseconds befor the next instruction is processed

ATSendWait(string command, double delay)

Sends an AT command and waits for delay microseconds.

Send(string data)

Sends raw data to the current COM port.

OpenPort(string portName, double baudRate, double databits, string parity, string stopbits)

Opens a sepcific COM port with the folowing parameters:
portName: name of the COM port. Example: "COM1"
baudRate: baud rate of the COM port. Example: 115200
databits: data bits of the COM port. Example: 8
parity: can be either "None", "Odd", "Even", "Mark", "Space".
stopbits: can be either "None", "1", "1.5", "2".


Closes the current COM port.

Message(string message)

Displays a message box on the screen.

Install(string file)

Installs file on the modem. If file is empty an open file dialog box displays.

Log(string text)

Logs the specified text in the log window.

OpenTerminal features

OpenTerminal features at a glance:

  • terminal for serial communication
  • tabbed editor
  • supports the xmodem protocol
  • entirely scriptable through Lua.net (Lua script language + all functions of the .net framework)
  • rapid access to custom commands
  • saves history of entered AT commands

First release of OpenTerminal

The first version of OpenTerminal is released today.
Version 0.1 beta. You can download it here:
