In general all .net framework functions can be used in OpenTerminal. In addition to that some specific OpenTerminal commands were added:
ATSend(string command)
Sends an AT command to the current COM port
Wait(double delay)
Waits for delay microseconds befor the next instruction is processed
ATSendWait(string command, double delay)
Sends an AT command and waits for delay microseconds.
Send(string data)
Sends raw data to the current COM port.
OpenPort(string portName, double baudRate, double databits, string parity, string stopbits)
Opens a sepcific COM port with the folowing parameters: portName: name of the COM port. Example: "COM1"
baudRate: baud rate of the COM port. Example: 115200
databits: data bits of the COM port. Example: 8
parity: can be either "None", "Odd", "Even", "Mark", "Space".
stopbits: can be either "None", "1", "1.5", "2".
Closes the current COM port.
Message(string message)
Displays a message box on the screen.
Install(string file)
Installs file on the modem. If file is empty an open file dialog box displays.
Log(string text)
Logs the specified text in the log window.
Congratulations, great tool!
I am implementing a massive download binary software in .net for the manufacturer part. The only think you have to do is connect a new Q2686 modem and the system download the binary automatically and append a new register with the IMEI and the software version successfully download in a database.
I am looking for a free c# XMODEM-1k implementation (source or component)
Do you have a suggestion?
Thanks in advance.
You could do this with OpenTerminal and Lua, of course. But if you want your own solution, there are C# implementations for the XMODEM-1k protocol. You only have to customize them for your needs.
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